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What Are

Our essences are subtle liquid extracts made from trees. The original discovery of flower essences was made by Dr. Edward Bach, MD in the late 1920’s. He was influenced by the work of a homeopathic physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. While he recognized the role of the germ theory of disease, defective organs and/or tissue, and other known and demonstrable sources of disease, Bach wondered how exposure to a pathogen could make one person sick, while another was unaffected, when to all appearances and analysis they were in equal states of health. He postulated that illness was the result of a conflict between the purposes of the soul and the personality’s actions and outlooks.

What Are Essences Used For?

These potent vibrational tree essences are used to release emotional feelings which in turn corrects imbalances that have been brought about by our everyday lives.


How Do I Use Essences?

Our essence formulas are in ready to use dosage bottles. ½ dropper 3 times a day is a normal dose per essence taken under the tongue. If you are working with a Practitioner follow their guidelines in using the essences.


You may take the essence or essences every 5 to 15 minutes until improvement is shown, then space out the doses to every half hour and then every hour until equilibrium is restored.


You may take the essence or essences every hour or more frequently if needed until equilibrium is restored. You may need to do this for 1 day to 1 month.


You may take the essence or essences 1 to 4 times per day as long as you choose.

Body Synergy Essences

Digestive / Intestinal Systems Tree Essence

This person may feel constant hunger, upset, nauseous, unable to let go of past events, over analyzes, unable to let go of negative feelings, unable to decide which way to go in life, vindictive, doesn’t know how to fix a problem or situation.

Nervous System 

Tree Essence

This person may feel distraught, excitable, unable to relax, fidgety, breathless, sleeplessness, overactive thoughts, wound up, or rebellious.

Circulatory System 

Tree Essence

This person may feel unable to relax and flow, loss, brokenhearted, selfish, stubborn, shuts down emotionally, needs possessions, or unable to move on and let go.

Immune System 

Tree Essence

This person may feel weakness, susceptible, stagnate, blocked energy, repressed, numb, unable to say no, sacrifices own needs, weak personal boundaries, or feels drained.

Skin System 

Tree Essence

This person may feel inferior, unattractive, over sensitive, having a hard time making changes, self-sabotage, fear of success, or have a need for outward perfection.

Glandular / Reproductive Systems Tree Essence

This person may feel thoughts are chaotic, fatigue, loss of joy in life, feels as though no one is listening or unable to speak their truth, winter blues, jealousy, out of sync, or repeated patterns and memories.

Respiratory System 

Tree Essence

This person may feel weepy, claustrophobic, longwinded, exhausted, nurtures too much, frequently needs reassurance, or worries constantly about events.

Urinary System 

Tree Essence

This person may feel humiliated, embarrassed, overpowered, disillusioned, bullied, easily peeved, or may feel victimized.

Bones / Muscles Systems

Tree Essence

This person may feel fragile, carrying weight of the world, lack of faith, life is falling apart, fear of persecution, holds on tight, speaks in whisper, gives power away, compares self to others, and easily overpowered.

Emotional Synergy Essences

Despair or Helplessness 

Tree Essence

This person may feel inadequate, low self-esteem & unworthy, depressed, feels a need to escape, resists help, feels like a victim, wants to end it all when faced with adversity.

Insecurity or Mistrust 

Tree Essence

This person may feel abandoned, feels as though death is approaching, unable to trust, sadness for no particular reason, unable to be playful, needs to be strict, or feels a great loss.

Overwhelmed or Distraught

Tree Essence

This person may feel spacy, unfocused, not quite oneself, distracted, overcharged by mental activities, daydreaming, overworked, or very tired.

Fear or Repeated Actions

Tree Essence

This person may have fear, negative talk, paranoia, panic attacks, feels persecuted, feels judged, anticipates the worse, creates stories, or unconscious actions.

Negativity or Easily Influenced 

Tree Essence

This person may take on negativity, feels heavy, drained, starts to lose self-identity, susceptible to outside forces and influences, susceptible to illness, or loses sense of personal boundaries.

Rejection or Feeling Unloved

Tree Essence

This person may feel deep sadness, sense of loss, feels unwanted, unworthy, tearful, defensive, dependency on others for emotional nourishment, or manifests relationships that are hurtful.

Self-Dislike or Judgement

Tree Essence

This person may have emotional eating patterns , cover up feelings, resist exercise, critical of self and others, avoids company, highly emotional.

Worry or Confusion

Tree Essence

This person may worry about others, wants to reinvent oneself, feels lost when life takes on abrupt changes, loses interest in what matters, questions everything, moods vary, wants to change others or looks for answers outside oneself.

Stress or Anxiety

Tree Essence

This person may feel frantic, anxious, stressed about events, things are out of control, doesn’t trust gut feeling, freezes up and unable to act, narrow or tunnel vision, or small things are upsetting.

Spiritual Synergy Essences

To Create Change

Tree Essence

This person may feel powerless in changing their lives, events, or people. They may want those around them to change but know change comes from within, but does know how to process the change.

To Create Confidence

Tree Essence

This person may feel as though they do not know who they are, why they exist, lonely in a crowd, and feel empty inside as though something is missing.

To Create Freedom

Tree Essence

This person may feel tired, doesn’t feel like oneself. May have unexplained illness, emotions or may be depressed for no apparent reason.

To Create Intuition

Tree Essence

This person may feel lost due to unresolved emotions, they are not able to look inside and see what gifts they have, unable to perceive, trust and believe what they know.

To Create Understanding

Tree Essence

This person may feel alone. They may feel like no one cares, no one understands them, no one knows what they are feeling and they need help but don’t know where to find it.

To Create Clarity

Tree Essence

This person may see life as hard, unable to achieve, unaware of their passions, not able to see the forest for the trees, blocked emotions, clouded thinking, unable to create.

To Create Contentment

Tree Essence

This person may feel and think they have it all together but are still not happy. They feel incomplete as though something is missing in their life.

To Create Harmony

Tree Essence

This person may go from one emotion to another, feels controlled or out of control, unexplained dreams/nightmares, does things they would not normally do.

To Create Purpose

Tree Essence

This person may feel as though their soul has a purpose but is unable to connect or find that purpose. They may have passions for many things but are unable to find the passion just for them.

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